Médicos Del Mundo, produced by Lobo Kane and directed by (super) Borja Larrondo, gets a Cinematography award (CRAFT – SILVER) at the CDEC (Club De Creativos) 2019.
It was something totally unexpected and I can’t believe that, out of all the nominees, they picked Médicos Del Mundo!!! :O
Thanks so much to everybody!! And specially to Edu Parrilla, (Production Designer), Noemi Lallave, (Colour grader from El Colorado), Alvaro García, Jaime Serrat, Alvaro Movilla and Diego Comendador (Camera Team), Sergio Fuidia (Gaffer) and his team from Iluminación FM.
To Chema (Our fabulous Producer), thanks for letting us do what we love doing, you’re a star! :)
And on top of that, many thanks to Borja, you are an artist, an amazing director and your imagination and ideas are always extraordinary.
Thanks for giving me the chance to translate your imagination into images :)
I personally think that cinematography is the result of a fantastic team effort between all the people involved in any given project, where ideas bounce back and forth until somebody finds the right one.
Hence, without you I wouldn’t have been able to do anything so this award is for you all!