Electricity’s Positive Bill gets a Gold Cinematography award (in the Student Film Craft category) at the Clio Awards 2023. Thank you very much!!

The wonderful people at the British Arrows were kind enough to nominate me for Best Cinematography for my work on Electricity’s Positive Bill You can read about it on here https://www.britisharrows.com/craft-shortlist

Early in October we were told that we had been nominated for Best Cinematography and Best Direction for Electricity´’s Positive Bill in the FIAP awards in South America. And we won Gold Craft for Best Direction and Silver Craft for Best Cinematography!!

On the same day I was getting married, May 4th, 2022, I got some splendid news from the team at the Emerging Director Awards in Ireland, I won Best Cinematography at the EDA Awards 2022 for my work in Electricity’s Positive Bill!!. https://edaireland.ie/winners-2022?rq=winners Thank you very much!!

Bronze Craft – Cinematography for Electricity`’s positive bill, directed by Borja Larrondo at the CDEC awards in Spain

I have been nominated for Best Cinematography at the wonderful Emerging Director Awards 2022 in Ireland for Electricity’s Positive Bill

The documentary The Road Bad & The Place Dark that I had the pleasure to lens in 2020 for Borja Larrondo while in Sierra Leone got a Cinematography award at the wonderful Thin Line Film Festival in Texas last month.

We wrapped today in the wonderful commercial for the new Amazon Tv Serie, Simeone, that Jota Aronak directed and Blua produced.
After 12 days of shooting around the world with director Linda Brownlee and a lot of wonderful people, we went to Jarnac in France and we finished the project with a smile.

Hedy, directed by Andy Clarke and produced by Banjoman Films gets a nomination for Best Cinematography – Gold in the Shark Awards 2021. This was so unexpected!!!

Thanks to everybody and especially to my wonderful friend Sergio Delgado who lit the 3rd block in a very special way and who brought me along and taught me several things about working in a project of this caliber (and let me shoot some 2nd unit things as well!!! 😊) Thanks thanks thanks thanks!

Hedy, directed by Andy Clarke and produced by Banjoman wins the Best Cinematography Award at the Amsterdam Short Film Festival (5th Edition)

Edelweiss, the miniseries directed by Eulogio Romero, airs today on TVE and RTVEPlay, the Spanish National Broadcaster.

After 6 super intense days in the middle of rural Galicia (O Courel) we wrapped the new short-film directed by Alberto Díaz called “A Rabia”.

We had a beautiful and sunny day in Wicklow while shooting the new commercial for Aviva, directed by the wonderful Mia Mullarkey.

We had a super sunny day in Co. Wicklow while doing a location scouting for a commercial.

Yesterday I had the chance to work with Linda Brownlee again on another commercial for AIB.

Earlier this week I had a chance to work with one of my favourite photographers in Ireland, Linda Brownlee.

We have been shooting a really fun project in the Canary Islands for about a week and I can’t wait for it to hit the cinemas 😊

3 weeks prep + 1 week shoot and we have already finished the second and last block on Edelweiss, directed by Eulogio Romero.

After 3 days of filming around West Cork, Westmeath and Dublin we finished Foxglove.

If, directed by Steve Kenny has won the Student Craft award in cinematography at the Irish ICAD awards 2020! Many many thanks to everybody who kindly donated their time and knowledge so we could make this wonderful piece! (IADT and MPC included!)

The mini series for the National Spanish TV Network (TVE) that I have been shooting for over a month now came to an end yesterday when we finished the 1st block.

If has been nominated for a Student Craft award in the ICAD Awards 2020 for its cinematography.

I woke up today with a wonderful piece of news: The little Kingspan commercial I shot for Des Mullan, produced by Rocket Science, has gotten a nomination for Best Cinematography at the ICAD Awards 2020 in Ireland. You can take a look at the full list of nominations on the Business Post magazine from Sunday … Nominated for Best Cinematography in the ICAD Awards 2020

Since mid October I have been preparing a mini series for the national Spanish TV network (TVE)

We just got word from a film festival called The Indie For You Film Festival that in its 4th Edition Exhalación had won the Cinematography Award!! I’m very happy and I can say that it wouldn’t have been possible without the continuous support from the cast, crew and companies that gave us their time and … Exhalación, directed by Al Díaz gets another Cinematography Award!

Last Friday we received a wonderful email from Company 3 letting us know that our documentary for Medecins Du Monde was already colour graded.

I talked to Phil Rhodes from The Broadcast Bridge and American Cinematographer Magazine about the documentary that I shot in Sierra Leone for charity Medecins Du Monde. I can’t thank enough to director Borja Larrondo for bringing me along in this wonderful project. I think that Phil got my working ethos really well in the … The Road Bad and The Place Dark interview

The commercial for Gillette Venus that Ciarán and myself did in Italy last February has reached 3 million views on Youtube already and it has been a very successful campaign in Italy! Congratulations to everybody who made it happen!!! 😊

The wonderful TV Series I had the opportunity to do 2nd Unit and B Camera on last year is on the BBC from today! Thanks to all the marvellous cast and crew who let me spend some time with them and welcomed me with open arms! 😊

The little film that I shot for Steve and Banjoman last December has gotten a nomination for Best Charity Film in the Emerging Directors Awards in Ireland this year! Congratulations to all the involved!!

We were very sad when we had to leave all the new friends that we made over the course of 9 days in Kabala, Sierra Leone, while working on a documentary for Médicos Del Mundo.

After a couple of days surrounded by a wonderful team our time in Milano came to an end.

Yesterday January, 30th, Borja Larrondo, my focus puller and myself were shooting some tests for a new project that we are going to shoot for Médicos Del Mundo (Medecins Du Monde) in Sierra Leone in February.

For the last two days Ciarán Dooley and myself have been in Milano, Italy, looking at different places for a new commercial that Ciarán has invited me to do with him.

After swimming across different seas the Kinsale Gold Shark was waiting patiently for me to pick it up.. and so I did!

I’m extremely happy to say that we have wrapped on Steve Kenny’s IF.
Such a fantastic day!!

Steve Kenny and the people from Banjoman Films have invited me to shoot the new short piece that Steve is directing so we spent the day taking a look at different locations and blocking the actions on them.

I had the chance to spend the day with the wonderful director Harriet Macdonald preparing the new commercial that she is going to direct for Renfe.

Thanks so much to everybody who came on board for this little production.

After two days working with a wonderful cast and crew we finished the new Christmas commercial for Homestore + More.

Earlier today we had the recce for the new Homestore Commercial that Ciarán is going to direct next week.

Ian and myself were doing a recce in Ardmore Studios earlier in the day for a new commercial that we are preparing together.

I woke up to an amazing piece of news… ESB – A Brighter Future had been shortlisted in the Film Craft Cinematography section!!!!

The Tattoo, directed by Ian Power, wins Best Cinematography at the Kinsale Shark Awards!!!!

I just received an email letting me know that The Tattoo has been nominated for Best Cinematography at the amazing Kinsale Shark Awards!!!!!

DOP Kate McCullough invited me earlier this month to be part of the new TV series Normal People and at some point they let me shoot some 2nd Unit scenes!

From today I’m repped by Lisa Richards Creatives.

We spent a couple of days shooting a commercial in the racecourse The Curragh, in Kildare, Ireland, with horses, people (a lot of them), loads of rain and the usual overcast Irish days.

ESB: A Brighter Future, directed by Ian Power and produced by Rocket Science gets a Bronze Award in Cinematography at the ICAD Awards 2019 in Ireland.

We had a great day walking around a REALLY big school in Madrid for a new commercial we are working on.

We woke up with a piece of news that said that the project that Borja and myself had done for Medicos Del Mundo was shortlisted in the Cannes Lions 2019!!!!!

We finished shooting a commercial for Supervalu (sponsors of GAA) last night.

I can’t believe it! The Institute of Creative Advertising and Design (ICAD) in Ireland is holding the ICAD Awards on June, 6th in Dublin and they just released the list of commendations.. and ESB got two commendations!!! One of them is for cinematography and the other one is for directing! I’m extremely happy and a … ESB – A Brighter Future gets a commendation for cinematography and directing at the ICAD Awards in Ireland

We finally finished the grading for Ciarán Dooley’s new short-film, Twin.

Victor and myself went to El Colorado (Madrid, Spain) on Monday to colour grade our new short-film, “Unos Vienen, Otros Se Van“. Noemi did such a fantastic job grading it and we were super happy to be able to work with El Colorado on this. Thanks to all the people who made it possible!!! :)

We found ourselves in a school today looking at different spaces to shoot the new commercial for Samsung. Can’t wait to work with the team again!

For the last 3 days, Borja, Barbara and myself, together with a few more people have been shooting a documentary following 3 women on their daily lives.

Médicos Del Mundo, produced by Lobo Kane and directed by (super) Borja Larrondo, gets a Cinematography award (CRAFT – SILVER) at the CDC (Club De Creativos) 2019.

We just finished shooting a charity project for Unicef.

For a couple of days, Borja, Barbara and myself have been looking at different places to shoot on for the new commercial that they are going to direct. We had loads of fun and I can’t wait to team up with them in this exciting project!

We are scouting several locations in Madrid for a new project, which will be directed by the incredible Santiago Zannou.

I spent the weekend working in Madrid on a short-film called “Unos Se Vienen, Otros Se Van”, directed by Victor Nores and funded by the Spanish government through the ICAA (Spanish Institute of Cinema and Scenic Arts)

The EDA Awards ceremony was last Wednesday in Dublin and I got the Best Emerging Cinematographer Award! I was on a plane on my way to Madrid so I wasn’t able to attend, however, Matt D’Arcy from Banjoman Films went on stage to pick the award for me! From now on we are going to … Best Emerging Cinematographer Award at the EDA awards in Ireland!

I have been nominated for Best Emerging Cinematographer in the Emerging Director Awards 2019 in Ireland.

Ciarán and myself were shooting a new commercial for Homestore on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th.

Ross Whitaker and myself had a great couple of days this week in Dublin shooting a very interesting documentary project for Antidote called Sleeping Flags.

We spent two fabulous days in Asturias shooting the new 5 commercials for Central Lechera Asturiana with a marvellous team.

The wonderful people from the Spanish cinematography magazine Camera&Light just published an interview with Ian Power and myself about The Tattoo.

A bunch of friends and myself went to Asturias last weekend to drive around and take a look at loads of locations for a new commercial that we are preparing.

Irish filmmaker Ian Power took home the prize for Best Irish Short for his film The Tattoo, qualifying it for Oscar® contention

Last weekend Alberto and myself had the great opportunity to travel to Peligros in Granada, Spain, because Exhalación was nominated to three categories in the 10th Festival Internacional de Cine de Peligros.

The lovely people from Los Lobos De Kane are producing a project for a NGO called Médicos Del Mundo.

Ciarán, the guys from Banjoman and myself have been working on Ciarán’s new short-film called Twin (funded by the Irish Film Board) for the last couple of months and we started shooting the first block last Thursday.

We have been working for a couple of days in Valencia for the new Luckya’s commercial campaign.

When a project is full of passionate people you know that you have to give all you have and even more.

Two days working in Soto Del Real, in Madrid, and we are finished with a new commercial for Sanitas.

After spending two days in a really beautiful location in Madrid the whole team was very sad to finish the project and leave the house.

I think that the best part of my life is working with my friends and when those friends tell you: “Hey! We are going to go driving and see if we can find the best location for this new project that we are shooting next week, do you want to come with us?” it is always a “Yes” from my side.

Last Thursday we went to see 4 houses on our recce for the new commercial I’m lighting for Leroy Merlin next week.

I have been in Doha, Qatar, all week shooting a mini documentary.

After 4 days of working with director Andy Clarke on his first short-film, Hedy, we got everything that we needed and we went home with a smile.

Last Monday we had such a great day taking a final look at our locations in Dublin for the short-film Hedy.

We had such a beautiful day yesterday shooting in Lough Dan in county Wicklow.

Fantastic day shooting the first commercial for Deep River Rock in Pigeon House, Dublin.

The guys from Rocket Science together with our 1st AD Jim Corr, production designer Joe Fallover and Gaffer Barry Conroy were on a recce today for the new commercial for Deep River Rock.

On Sunday night The Tattoo, directed by Ian Power and produced by Rocket Science for the Irish Film Board, won Best Short-Film in the Fastnet Film Festival 2018.

The Tattoo, directed by Ian Power and produced by Rocket Science for the Irish Film Board has earned a nomination for Best Cinematography in one of the best film festivals in Ireland called Fastnet Film Festival.

Exhalación, a short-film I shot for my friend Al Diaz in 2016, won Best Cinematography in the Premios Fugaz in Madrid, Spain.

I was watching a video on Youtube some days ago and the commercial we shot for Fripozo just rolled before one of the videos I wanted to watch.

Working with Leandro at Elements Post Production today was such a magnificent experience.

Last night we finished Ciarán’s new project.

Super excited to be with Ciarán and the guys from Banjoman Films today in Dublin scouting for a new project that my friend Ciarán is going to direct.

Ian, the guys from TBWA Ireland and myself spent a beautiful day yesterday with the amazing colour grader Gary Curran in Outer Limits grading our lovely ESB commercial.

Yesterday we shot the new commercial for Fripozo.

I came back to Madrid last night to work on a new commercial with all my friends.

After 3 weeks of preproduction and 1 week of shooting we finished one of the most incredible experiences I have had on a set!

We visited yesterday our last locations for our ESB Commercial.